The Savior : Islam itu Satu
Nabi Muhammad shallallahu ‘alaihi wa sallam bersabda,
تَرَكْتُ فِيْكُمْ أَمْرَيْنِ لَنْ تَضِلُّوْا مَا تَمَسَّكْتُمْ بِهِمَا : كِتَابَ اللهِ وَ سُنَّةَ رَسُوْلِهِ
Aku telah tinggalkan pada kamu dua perkara. Kamu tidak akan sesat selama berpegang kepada keduanya, (yaitu) Kitab Allah dan Sunnah Rasul-Nya. (Hadits Shahih Lighairihi, H.R. Malik; al-Hakim, al-Baihaqi, Ibnu Nashr, Ibnu Hazm. Dishahihkan oleh Syaikh Salim al-Hilali di dalam At Ta’zhim wal Minnah fil Intisharis Sunnah, hlm. 12-13).
Jumat, 21 Oktober 2016
Senin, 10 Oktober 2016
Senin, 21 April 2014
Be The Winner Blogger
There are many paths to building links, such as link baiting or
blogroll-link swapping, but few are as easy to implement and cost
effective as submitting to blog directories. And good link juice makes
for a growing blog.
Here are 24 directories you need to know about:
1. Best of the Web Blog Search remains a powerful tool for sharing your blog, especially since this director’s very selective, listing only mature and valuable blogs. A link from here is majestic.
2. Bloggeries is one of the most respected blog directories. The layout is clear and concise, and readers are able to find what they are looking for in a snap.
3. EatonWeb Blog Directory is a powerful list. The fee, currently $34.99, pays for a review of your blog.
4. is a free, manually-edited directory that reads the RSS feed of your blog. You can also use the site’s social features, article directory, and other great tools to build your blog.
5. is an interesting mix of a directory and a Google News type site that is fed by the blogs listed with Blogged. And it’s free to list your blog.
6. While the design and infrastructure have changed somewhat over the years, Blog Search Engine remains one of the most selective blog directories on the web. Membership has its privileges.
7. Blog Catalog features a vast number of categories, from “academic” to “writing”, while offering the ability to search by country, language or user. It has a no-frills design, but offers convenient access through a simple blog registration.
8. Globe of Blogs has too many features to list. Only non-commercial blogs are accepted. The site may be busy, but I like being able to narrow my search by title, author or subject.
9. The ultimate directory of British blogs isn’t focused on location, but on the culture. It is asked that bloggers be genuinely “Britished.”
10. Blog Universe has a layout that’s easy to navigate and, although the content is limited, it’s an all-around good directory worthy of submission.
11. Bigger Blogs is intertwined with a business directory and an article directory, giving you access to several powerful tools in one location.
12. Bloggernity is a crisp, clean and easily navigated site. It’s low ad-to-content ratio has helped solidify its reputation as a quality directory.
13. Bloggapedia has an interesting and eye-catching homepage. Readers are easily connected to top blogs and new posts. Innovative categories, a colorful design and its blogger tool kit make this directory a hit.
14. Spillbean is a well-designed directory with categories such as “health,” “society,” “Internet,” and “personal.”
15. Blogging Fusion boasts over 60 categories, including family-focused blogs. Blogging Fusion has an good number of listings, and it also has visitor stats.
16. Blogflux is organized and clear with a strong social element.
17. The blogs at the top of Bloglisting are fun, colorful and catch the attention of the reader. Bloglisting displays the page-ranking blogs, which is a helpful tool when determining with whom you want to exchange links.
18. Blogio stores plenty of quality blogs, and it sports solid on-site search.
19. Blog Digger is a strong search tool, especially for local blog listings.
20. Blog Pulse features a powerful community element, on-site analytics, and a clean design. The “submit” page is a bit tricky to find, so here’s the quick link.
21. Technorati’s blog directory is well-respected and spans more than 30 categories.
22. Blogarama has a strong base of blogs and a solid text-ad system for its front page.
23. Blog Hints features over 100 categories. The site is very picky about which blogs are included, and those that are listed are presented via a visual interface that shows the site’s design and page rank. This makes Blog Hints the perfect site for finding link-swapping partners.
The above listings are a glimpse inside the large and vast world of blog directories and the valuable inbound links that your can build for your blog and your business.
Here are 24 directories you need to know about:
1. Best of the Web Blog Search remains a powerful tool for sharing your blog, especially since this director’s very selective, listing only mature and valuable blogs. A link from here is majestic.
2. Bloggeries is one of the most respected blog directories. The layout is clear and concise, and readers are able to find what they are looking for in a snap.
3. EatonWeb Blog Directory is a powerful list. The fee, currently $34.99, pays for a review of your blog.
4. is a free, manually-edited directory that reads the RSS feed of your blog. You can also use the site’s social features, article directory, and other great tools to build your blog.
5. is an interesting mix of a directory and a Google News type site that is fed by the blogs listed with Blogged. And it’s free to list your blog.
6. While the design and infrastructure have changed somewhat over the years, Blog Search Engine remains one of the most selective blog directories on the web. Membership has its privileges.
7. Blog Catalog features a vast number of categories, from “academic” to “writing”, while offering the ability to search by country, language or user. It has a no-frills design, but offers convenient access through a simple blog registration.
8. Globe of Blogs has too many features to list. Only non-commercial blogs are accepted. The site may be busy, but I like being able to narrow my search by title, author or subject.
9. The ultimate directory of British blogs isn’t focused on location, but on the culture. It is asked that bloggers be genuinely “Britished.”
10. Blog Universe has a layout that’s easy to navigate and, although the content is limited, it’s an all-around good directory worthy of submission.
11. Bigger Blogs is intertwined with a business directory and an article directory, giving you access to several powerful tools in one location.
12. Bloggernity is a crisp, clean and easily navigated site. It’s low ad-to-content ratio has helped solidify its reputation as a quality directory.
13. Bloggapedia has an interesting and eye-catching homepage. Readers are easily connected to top blogs and new posts. Innovative categories, a colorful design and its blogger tool kit make this directory a hit.
14. Spillbean is a well-designed directory with categories such as “health,” “society,” “Internet,” and “personal.”
15. Blogging Fusion boasts over 60 categories, including family-focused blogs. Blogging Fusion has an good number of listings, and it also has visitor stats.
16. Blogflux is organized and clear with a strong social element.
17. The blogs at the top of Bloglisting are fun, colorful and catch the attention of the reader. Bloglisting displays the page-ranking blogs, which is a helpful tool when determining with whom you want to exchange links.
18. Blogio stores plenty of quality blogs, and it sports solid on-site search.
19. Blog Digger is a strong search tool, especially for local blog listings.
20. Blog Pulse features a powerful community element, on-site analytics, and a clean design. The “submit” page is a bit tricky to find, so here’s the quick link.
21. Technorati’s blog directory is well-respected and spans more than 30 categories.
22. Blogarama has a strong base of blogs and a solid text-ad system for its front page.
23. Blog Hints features over 100 categories. The site is very picky about which blogs are included, and those that are listed are presented via a visual interface that shows the site’s design and page rank. This makes Blog Hints the perfect site for finding link-swapping partners.
The above listings are a glimpse inside the large and vast world of blog directories and the valuable inbound links that your can build for your blog and your business.
Kamis, 10 April 2014
Kenapa Jokowi
Karena seandainya beliau menjadi Presiden maka kebijakannya makin luas dan pasti bijaksana, Beliau bisa buat sungai lebih besar, jalan raya, lebih luas, koruptor hukum mati, pemimpin yang malas dan curang di pecat di penjara, hukum lebih tegas kepada semua instansi beliau akrab dengan Pak Abraham, tentunya Beliau jadi Presiden udah pasti sejalan pola pikirnya dengan Pa Gubernur Ahok, bahkan cita2 mulia Pak Ahok dapat terealisasikan.
Semakin orang2 menghujat Pak Jokowi semakin tampak sifat serakah orang itu rakus dan suka mencari kesalahan orang lain padahal dirinya sendiri tidak lebih ataupun tidak kurang bagaikan srigala berbulu domba, mereka takut akan terungkap kebusukan mereka kelak. lagian tidaklah adil masa pak jokowi di keroyok rame2 dan bersaing pun tidak sehat, dengan fitnah ataupun puisi iri dengki bahkan ada oknum yang sengaja menjatuhkan nama baik dan kredibilitasnya, kecurangan membakar lah, demolah, hasutlah dll tapi beliau sungguh lah bijaksana dan pemaaf malah jawabanya arip dan santun dengan positive thinking.
Jakarta di pegang Pak Jokowi aja seperti itu ? apa lagi yang jabatnya bukan Pak Jokowi dan Pak Ahok ya makin parah broo, jakarta itu kota rejek orisinilnya daerah.......( kebayakan campur tangan oknum )
coba mata kalian di buka, dalam sejarah itu pimpinan dahlu2 itu mana ada yang mau masuk comberan, saya sendiri pun ya tidak mau !! mana ada pimpinan mau panas2san, mana ada pimpinan yang lembut tapi tegas, gak ada pimpinan pakaiannya, rumahnya, makanya dll sederhana seperti beliau dll
Alhamdulillah di saat negara ini krisis kepercayaan, benci akan sebuah tokoh tiba2 hadir lah orang yang tidak ganteng tapi manis, tidak hebat tapi pintar, tidak gagah tapi tanggung jawab, tidak di takuti tapi orang2 pada segan, tidak kaya raya tapi beraklaq, tidak ceplas ceplos tapi pasti. beliau tidak diskriminasi beliau baik dan santun. maaf saya apa adanya ada bayak calon presiden di tahun ini mereka orang bagus2 tapi kok tidak mau bersatu itu kan menunjukan orang2 serakah dan bodo, dulu di luar negri sekarang ke indonesia, dulu galak sekarang pura2 baik, dulu ngakunya muslim tp melihat tetangganya susah diam, dulu tukang hasut sekarang pendai, dulu tukang kawin sekarang pembela rakyat, dulu tukang ngarang sekarang plopor dll itulah latar belakang calon2 kita. jangan mau masa depan negara kita karena duit 100 ribu. tentukan pilihan kalian buka pikiran dan hati kalian doa dan yakin Pak JOKOWI baik memimpin masa depan bangsa. ingat broo kita bukan negara kekhalifahan jika pun ada ya khalifah yg spt JOKOWI AHOK lah terbaik 2014.
Perlu di tekankan Pak Jokowi tidak mencari populeritas kalo dia cari populeritas dia pasti main fb terus, twit trus, bbm terus, pergi ke panggung stasiun tv dll saya pikir bagi beliau itu membuang2 waktu. Beliaupun dipilih bukan memilihkan diri, beliau di tunjuk bukan menunjukan diri, beliau di pinta bukan meminta, beliau tidak mengharapkan banget sebenarnya cuman mencoba kenapa aku tidak melakukan sebuah kebaikan untuk lebih luas lagi, ada pun aku tidak kepilih ya tidak apa2 lagian semuanya karena Allah jua lah yang menentukan.
Jangan beranggapan dia adalah BONEKA WAYANG, mana tau dalang2 yang memperAlat memanfaati dia malah bertaubat dan bertaubat karena melihat sosok dan sifat Arjuna yang begitu mulia kebaikanya.kalian bangga atuh di luar negri beliau orang terbaik dunia lhoo.
Untuk saudara di luar pulau Jawa jangan lah hirau beliau akan merata kok perhatianya dan ketegasanya bahkan tidak pandang bulu jika ada yg salah dan tidak pandang bulu baiknya pada siapa aja. tapi kan ya tidak mungkinlah semua warga negara Indonseia beliau salamin satu persatu.
Bismillah aku akan mencoba maju menjadi presiden bukan demi Jakarta yang lebih baik tapi untuk Indonesia yang lebih bermoral dan beradab.
*gak usah jual janji tapi bukti lapangan yang nyata.
" disaat rubuan orang-orang minta naik gajih, malah pak Jokowi santai dan terseyum"
" disaat rubuan orang-orang minta naik gajih, malah pak Jokowi santai dan terseyum"
Minggu, 18 November 2012
ariewayq: Berjalan Tanpamu - ( with Lyrics )
ariewayq: Berjalan Tanpamu - ( with Lyrics )This is just one of my sample music.....
Lupakanlah Aku
Menghapus Jejak Kesedihan
Berjalan Tanpamu
Bintang Dalam Cahaya Bulan
Akhir Kisah Ini
thanks and best my regard.....
Lupakanlah Aku
Menghapus Jejak Kesedihan
Berjalan Tanpamu
Bintang Dalam Cahaya Bulan
Akhir Kisah Ini
thanks and best my regard.....
Sabtu, 17 November 2012
Akhir Dari Kisah Ini ariewayq
This is just one of my sample music.....
Lupakanlah Aku
Menghapus Jejak Kesedihan
Berjalan Tanpamu
Bintang Dalam Cahaya Bulan
Akhir Kisah Ini
thanks and best my regard.....
Lupakanlah Aku
Menghapus Jejak Kesedihan
Berjalan Tanpamu
Bintang Dalam Cahaya Bulan
Akhir Kisah Ini
thanks and best my regard.....
Jakarta, Indonesia
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